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Is Happiness after Divorce possible?

Was your response a resounding: YEEEESSSS!!  

If not, read on :)

What does that voice in your head tell you day in and day out? 

If you're wondering if you'll ever feel happy or fulfilled in your life after Divorce, I'm here to tell you -  it's completely possible!  

You can be happier than you've ever been in your life after Divorce :)

You don't have to tuck a piece of your heart away and be bitter for the rest of your life.  You aren't 'less than' now that you're marriage has ended.  

This is the perfect time to rebuild your life in the way YOU want.  

And the thoughts you tell yourself in your head have a HUGE impact on what you think is possible for yourself.  

So, here are some simple phrases to tell yourself when you catch your mind running through the mud too often:

I Deserve to be Happy

I fully and completely love and accept myself - I felt like a total fraud saying this to myself for months!  So keep at it even if you aren't feelin' it  

I can do anything I set my mind to

Use the phrase that resonates with you the most - use it daily, when you get up and go to bed and any other time!  I have sayings written out and taped onto mirrors or on my fridge - as frequent reminders :) 

It's one tool I use to help create a positive environment in the mind's of co-parents, especially when you're going through a hard time and have so much negativity floating around in your head!  It can be incredibly hard to get out of that vortex of negativity and aimlessness and failure.

Try these out for a few weeks and see how you feel - we have so much negativity in the world today - injecting some positivity into your mind will feel refreshing, after you get over the initial weirdness :)

Now, I'd love to hear from you  - do you have a favourite phrase or saying that keeps you pointed in the direction of your hopes and dreams for the future?  That helps keep a positive outlook overall?  

Wishing you all the best!

Lisa xo


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