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3 Ways to Improve Communications with your Co-Parent

co-parenting Jan 06, 2019

How do you co-parent without constantly wanting to pull your hair out? 

Of all the things you can move on from or heal from after Divorce - you will always need to co-parent with your ex..

And it's ironic AF that communicating is KEY, when we all know the easy road would be just to write your ex out of your life. 


Your kids need you both in their lives.

As some version of a team!

So, here's three quick ways to improve your co-parenting relationship Right Now :)

1 - Stick to just the facts about what you need to discuss with your co-parent.  RESIST the temptation to give an opinion or biting sarcasm, or bait your ex, or react to bait.  RESIST the temptation.

2 - always remember your kids love your ex (unless they are truly an evil or negative influence).  So breath deep, when you feel yourself getting annoyed or frustrated and respond with 'just the facts' - text or email is awesome for this - cause you can review your correspondence before hitting send :)  

3 - reflect on what you continue to react poorly to - do you have some healing to do on your end, to break the cycle of tension or hard feelings?  Be honest with yourself - honest reflection is so important.  You don't have to be perfect here, in fact it's impossible, so let go of expectations and just get curious about any reactions you've noticed you repeatedly have. 

And always remember, co-parenting is a massive work in progress!! 

Everyone makes mistakes, just start fresh tomorrow. 

Wishing you all the best in your journey, 

Lisa xo

PS. I'd appreciate it immensely if you'd share this with a friend who's struggling with co-parenting - thanks in advance! :)

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